
Boston Foreclosure Fighters: ‘Banks Are Deceptive In Hosts of Ways’

December 9, 2010

It is no secret that lenders’ foreclosure practices have been placed under the magnifying glass since the recent revelation that the banks’ use of robosigners called into question the validity of millions of foreclosures throughout the United States.  Recent news out of Boston focuses on a ‘host’ of deceptive practices banks are using in order […]

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492 Days From Default to Foreclosure

December 8, 2010

According to mortgage-data provider LPS Applied Analytic, 492 days have elapsed since the average homeowner in foreclosure made a mortgage payment. In short, people are defaulting on their mortgage loans faster than banks are able to effectively carry out the foreclosure process. Homeowner’s that owe considerably more on their mortgage than the fair market value of their home […]

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